Sunday, April 2, 2017

Turophiles and Cheese Facts

The inspiration for this blog comes from my unhealthy obsession of cheese. I am that weird person that can sit down and eat a block of cheese and have no problem doing so.  Personally, my favorites are Colby Jack and a variety of Amish cheeses. I decided to look up some interesting facts about cheese so I can share them with you all. Enjoy!

1.       Cheese date back to before 6000 B.C.

2.       You can be arrested for eating certain cheeses. The United States FDA has stricter aging standards than the French.

3.       Eating cheese before bed can help you sleep.

4.       Scientists in Poland discovered people were eating cheese even before the written word existed.

5.       From June 1935 to March 1937, Wisconsin restaurants were required to serve cheese and butter with meals.

6.       People who are lactose Intolerant can eat cheese.

7.       Cheese is rich in calcium which put mineral back in your teeth.

8.       In Wisconsin, cheese waste is combines with rock salt to prevent roads from freezing.

9.       The US regulates the holes in domestically produced Swiss Cheese.

10.   People who love cheese are called Turophiles.

I hope you all found these facts about cheese as fascinating as I did. Feel free to leave your comments about cheese or a food you have a strange love for below!


  1. I love cheese as well. I eat it a lot more at home because my mom always eats it. My favorite snack growing up was melted cheese on crackers and now I enjoy it with hot sauce. I remember one vacation in particular where we went through so much cheese it was ridiculous. It was like if your are hungry go eat cheese!I'm not sure why but the fact about Wisconsin forcing restaurants to serve cheese is funny to me.

  2. I'm a huge cheese fan also. I add an insane amount of cheese to anything it'll taste good with. I can't believe you can get arrested for eating certain cheese! Some of these facts are crazy, Thank you for sharing these!
