Friday, April 14, 2017

Three-part Social Media Revolution

As I continue to read “Measure What Matters” I learn so many details that are highly important. This week I decided to share with you all the three-part social media revolution. Social media requires this shift to occur throughout different processes.

1.       Redefine the now
The idea is to define timeliness. The response turnaround needs to be done quickly. Timeliness in today’s world is responding and dealing with a problem before it goes viral. Be authentic.

2.       Redefine PR, Advertising, Marketing, and Corporate Communications
Technology is a big part of this. It allows decision-making to be based on the reputation. Also, it is important to communicate to the right people. If you can connect with a smaller group of the right people it is more beneficial. With advertising, you are just getting information out to people that do not necessarily care out you or your product.

3.       Change how we quantify success
In social media, the number of impressions is impossible to calculate and does not matter. The key is to build relationships. these relationships are between people and products or organizations. With this it is important to calculate the engagement between the two.

I hope you find these shifts as important as I do to the world of social media. Feel free to add and comments or suggestions below!

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