Key Points:
The positives-
The Negatives-
Disconnect from the world around us
Attention seekers
Cyberbullying and harassment
Productivity and privacy
Sources I Referenced:
"If you cannot find a good companion to walk with, walk alone, like an elephant roaming the jungle. It is better to be alone than to be with those who will hinder your progress." -Buddha
There is definitely a balance to be found between using social media and not being consumed by social media. A few years ago, people were so consumed with the new technology that we began shutting each other out. As time goes on, the study of what too much social media can do has been published to the public. I personally feel that recently, people are trying to be in the moment of life and put their phones away. It's nice to see that not all values are lost, for example, not being on your phone at the dinner table. Hopefully these studies continue and people will learn to use social media as a resource and not a lifestyle.